Monday, July 28, 2008

Putter Length Right For You

What Type Of Putter Length Is Right For You?
By: Eddy Kong WW

There are lots of putter in the market, but some basics about putter length are conventional, belly and long.

There are hundreds of variations of putters out there, but there are three basic types when it comes to putter length: the conventional, belly and long putters.

What putter length is best for you? The easiest answer is that it's completely a matter of personal preference.

If you're thinking of going away from a conventional putter to a belly or long putter, you simply need to get on a putting green and see which putter length feels best and produces the best results.

Each type does have qualities, however, that might narrow the choices. And we'll take a look at those now:

Conventional Putter

Teaching pros are nearly unanimous: If you can use a conventional putter, then you should use a conventional putter. And a short one at that.

To achieve the ideal putting posture, take your stance and lean forward so that your eyes are directly over the line of the putt.

Let your arms hang loosely down, then bring your palms together. Voila - your ideal putting posture.

Obviously, you can't take that posture unless your putter length is a conventional one.

So why do some pros (and more amateurs) go to the belly or long putters? Conventional putters require nerves of steel and an absolute minimum of wrist action. Poor putting nerves are often call the "yips"; those with excess wrist action are said to be "handsy."

If you suffer from the yips or are too handsy in your putting, then trying a belly or long putter could be for you.

The Belly Putter

The belly putter provides a third point of contact - the abdomen (along with each hand) - between the putter and the player, which provides stability and balance to the stroke.

The main advantages of this putter length are that the putter is anchored against the body, and wrist action is easier to control, while the player remains in a posture that is close to the ideal.

However, since belly putters are longer and generally have a thicker grip, feel is reduced. Distance control is dicier as well due to the longer shaft.

The Long Putter

The long putter turns the putting stroke into a true pendulum swing, totally eliminating wrist hinge. Golfers take an upright stance, so those who suffer from weak or aching backs get a bit of a break.

But the long putter is even longer than the belly putter (it ain't called the "long putter" - or "broomstick putter" - for nothing!), and that means even less feel and feedback. It also means that controlling distance becomes a bit more problematic.

But it does have the advantage of taking wrist action out of play. As Lamanna says, "This is usually the last hope for a bad putter. If this one does not cure the yips, you have to take up tennis!"

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